Wednesday, December 16, 2009

1) What do you feel is the point of the gravedigger’s riddles and song? How does it fit into the play?
The grave digger makes jokes about death and seems to make it into a game. This makes death seem less horrible which is interesting because he is saying this to Hamlet, who in the beginning of the play was morning deeply over his fathers death. However by this time in the play Hamlet is beginning to look at death in a different light, much more like the gravedigger does.

2) In what ways do Hamlet’s reactions to the skulls in the graveyard seem to suggest a change in his outlook? Compare Hamlet’s attitude towards Yoric to Hamlet’s attitude to Ophelia or even his father? How is it different? How is it similar? When Hamlet sees the skulls he seems to become more accepting of death. It is as if he sees the many skulls and understand that it is part of life, especially when he sees Yorics skull. Maybe he realizes that he used to love the clown and didnt even realize he was gone till now. So why cant he do it with his father. Hamlet looks at Yoric almost as a father figure as he remembers all the good times shared with him and seeing the skulls brings back these good memories. However when he thinks of Ophelia he challenges Laertes to a morning contests. Very much the opposite of good memories.

3) How old is Hamlet? How do you know this?
I believe that hamlet is in his early thirties. This is known because his father was old enough to fight in a few battles and gain fame and Hamlet was able to go off and get an education in college. We also know this because of the very mature way Hamlet looks at things, he also just talked to the grave digger who mentioned Yoric who has been in the ground for 23 years and Hamlet was a few years of age so he is about 30.

4) What does the violent argument between Hamlet and Laertes add to the play?
It starts to build up to the end scene where everybody dies by adding suspense as well as showing how Hamlet has begun to change. He has said he will become a man of action his thoughts to be more bloody or worth nothing. This is a sign that he is beginning to act upon his urges rather than just sit in the shadows and contemplate.

5) What developments in Hamlet’s character are presented through the story of what happened on the boat?
On the "boat" Hamlet puts Rosencrants and Guildenstern to death. This shows that he has strayed from his ways of little action and now when he comes across a plan he acts upon it. He is beginning to be more like Fortinbras as planning something and then putting it to action, rather than just thinking.

6) How do Hamlet’s motives in killing Claudius seem to have shifted according to his speech beginning “Does it not, think thee…” (V.ii.63)
At first he just wanted to kill him for revenge upon his father because the Ghost told him to. Now he is looking deeper into it. He still wants revenge but he sees it as a duty to keep no further harm from happening. He believes that if he kills Cluadius now he will be able to commit further evil and harm to Denmark.

7) What concerns of the play are reinforced in the Osric episode? (V.ii.80-170)
Osric is untrue to himself for one thing. Any man who can be tricked into having his hat on and off many times has no will power and hence a prostitute. Osric not only lets hamlet tell him if he is warm or cold or not but he also flatters Hamlet and tells him what he wants to hear. This is sad because Osric is then selling himself to Cluadius who sent him and Hamlet so he is truly a slut.

8) Why does Hamlet ‘defy augury’? (V.ii.192)
Hamlet has let go of his earlier belief/fear of dying and has allowed it to be determined by a greater force or god. He no longer plans his life out bit by bit but lets fate decide.

9) What does Laertes say is his motive in still resenting Hamlet? How has already lost this? How does this contribute to the presentation of revenge in the play? (V.ii216-223)
Laertes says it is to keep his honor. However he has already lost this as he has used two types of poisen to try and kill Hamlet and in the process of trying to killed Gertrude. This reinforces the idea that revenge within the play seem less noble and wrong as other people often get involved. In the beginning it seemed fine but in the end it doesnt especially when we find out that Hamlet and Fortinbras made a pact.

10) How might the dying lines of Gertrude, Claudius and Laertes be viewed as typical of the way their characters have been presented throughout the play?

11) Who “wins” in Hamlet? How and why do you think this?
Fortinbras. Not only does he look like a forgiving and heroic man for giving Hamlet a nice burial and forgiving him for his father killing his father but he also gets Denmark without any trouble. He also doesnt have to fight with anybody because Hamlet managed to kill them all off so Fortinbras is the only noble person to take over.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hamle Act 4 Scenes 3 and 4

1) It is at this point that Hamlet knows for sure that Cluadius killed his father because of the way he acted when the scene came on.
2) Explain in detail the following parts of plot

The play begins with Barnardo and Francisco guarding Elsinore castle when they see a ghost. The ghost dissapers and Haratio and Marcellus come in. The ghost then reapers and disappears again and the group discusses what the Ghost was and who's body it was representing especially Haratio who gives us many opinions and why it was there. Haratio notices that it is the Ghost of Old Hamlet and believes it is coming back to warn them of something. The Ghost comes back once again and Haratio tries to question it. Haratio then goes of with group to find Hamlet as the Ghost might talk to him.
Cluadius gives a speech about how he feels about King Hamlets death and how he is sad and happy that he has married the Queen. He talks of the threat Norway has purposed and what he has done to help it. The king then talks to Laeretes and Hamlet and refuses Hamlet not allowing him to go back to his University. Hamlet is then seen by himself talking of how he crushed by his mothers remarriage and how soon it was. Haratio, Marcellus, and Barnardo then come in and tell hamlet of the Ghost of his fathers and what it was wearing.Laretes and Polonius give Ophelia reasons not to fall in love with Hamlet because he has to many other responsibilities and because it will embarrass them. Hamlet and the group then see the ghost and Hamlet decides to follow it despite the others telling him not to in fear it will lead him to kill himself. Hamlet then speaks with the Ghost and finds out that Cluadius killed his father and he declares he will get revenge. The others find him and Hamlet makes them swear they will not tell what they have learned form the Ghost.
INCITING EVENT: The inciting event is when Hamlet goes off with the Ghost by himself and learns that his father was killed by Claudius. The Ghost tells him he must get revenge for his father and this starts the whole problem within the play as Hamlet plans on killing Claudius now.

Claudius is off in Paris and Polonius sends somebody to spy on him. Hamlet walks into Ophelias room half naked causing people to think he is crazy and making Polonius believe he is in love with her. Cluadius is found interviewing Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, two of Hamlets old friends, and he tells them to find out why Hamlet is going crazy. Polonius tells the King that Hamlet loves Ophelia but he is not convined so they decide to hide while Hamlet and Ophelia get together. Hamlet talks to Rosencrats and Guildenstern and figures out why they are there and then he sees some actors who he asks to preform a play along with an additional scene he writes himself. We then see into Hamlets mind and he wonders wether or not he can trust the Ghost or if it is really an evil spirit. Hamlet and Opheila get together while Cluadius and Polonius are easdropping and Ophelia gives Hamlet the love letters back which makes Hamlet very upset. He then finds out hey is being spied upon and he get angered again. Hamlet explains to Haratio his plan with the play and how he will know if Claudius committed the murder. The play is watched which obviously upsets Cluadius who stops the show because he knows his secret is found out. We then see Cluadius alone who is sad and unhappy and Hamlet comes upon him ready to kill him but cant because he sees that Clauadius is praying. 

1)Cluadius Plans to send them to England to do business for him. However he is likely gong to order them killed.
2) What is Polonius going to do while Hamlet speaks with his mother?
He plans to hide behind the tapestry to listen to what Hamlet has to say. He thinks that he also needs to listen because a mother will be to easy on judging what he says and relaying it to him.
3) List three important things about Claudius’ soliloquy.
a) Cluadius is portrayed as feeling guilty about killing King Hamlet as he cannot pray.
b)If it wasn't for him praying in his soliloquy or at least trying he would have been killed by Hamlet.
c)We see that Claudius is still getting the rewards from killing King Hamlet and while he may feel bad there is a tinge of dishonesty as he doesn't really say how he is going to change it.
4) Its odd because the King said he couldn't pray so Hamlet came in the exact wrong moment where it might have looked like he was praying. Which is sad because then hamlet didn't run him through with his sword.
5) He thinks that Cluadius will go to heaven if he kills him while he is doing good and he doesn't want him to be rewarded so he figures he will wait until he is doing something evil to kill him.
Scene IV

1)Polonius tell Gertrude to yell at Hamlet and to be very harsh and not spare any hard feelings. He tells her to tell him his pranks have caused a great deal of trouble and that the King has had to deal with all of it.

2)Hamlet kills Polonius and uses the line "How now, a rat?..." because he thinks he is nothing but trouble and tries to spy on everybody. He calls him a rat because all he does is go around live off of other people much like rats do. Such as when he told Ophelia not to be with Hamlet, he was really just using her or stealing from her.
3) What is odd about the following quote: A bloody dead; almost as bad, good mother, as kill a king and marry with his brother. Hamlet has just killed polonius but he decides to criticize Cluadius for killing his father and not really seeming to care he has killed polonius. It also interesting as later on he explains that Husband and Wife are one. Does this mean that Hamlet blames his mother for killing his father as well?
4) Gertude doesn't know yet that Cluadius has killed Old Macbeth. However in Hamlets mind she knows and has possibly helped Cluadius do so because Hamlet views husband and wife as one. She doesnt understand why Hamlet is mad at her and is wondering why he thinks her heart is toughened from evil actions.
5) What descriptions does Hamlet use to compare his father and his uncle?
Hamlet compares his father to a greek god with curly hair and saying he is like Jove himself. He says his eyes were like Mars the god of war able to threaten and command. He discribes his father as amazing and says its like every god has added to his person. He then compares Cluadius to a rotten piece of corn that is making the other one next to it look bad which is his father.

6) Hamlet makes his point that his father was a man who was amazing and immortal in his eyes while Cluadius is nothing but a piece of scum who doesn't deserve to be king. The idea that he is a rotten piece of corn gives the idea that he is the reason the state of Denmark is starting to rot. It is Cluadius's mildew that is causing the rest of his surrounding to stink.

7)  It is a disturbing quote because Hamlet is talking about his mother and describing it very distinctly and in words that would make myself a little sick if i were to say them about my own mother. Most children prefer not to have the image of their mother making love with another man, especially if the word nasty sty is involved as well as stanky sweat.

8) What stops Hamlet’s ranting and raving at Gertrude? What does this figure tell Hamlet?
The Ghost. The Ghost reminds Hamlet that he still needs to seek revenge on Cluadius. He also tells him to make sure his mother doesn't go crazy because her mind is weak and cant deal with the horrible things going on.

9) By the end of the act, Hamlet has made many statements about humanity, in general. Explain a few of his points. Do his opinions reflect his madness.
Confess yourself to heaven.
Repent what’s past. Avoid what is to come.
And do not spread the compost on the weeds
To make them ranker

This is a hypocritical thing for Hamlet to say. He says avoid what things are coming, particularly bad things is assume, but he is planning at that moment to go kill Cluadius and he as just killed Polonius. He then says not to spread the compost for the weeds which is saying not to allow Denmark to become any more corrupted or rotten. This is an interesting idea as it could be looked at from many different angles. He could be talking in General about death, as he doesnt want his mother to be involved in any more killings like Cluadius's murder on Old Hamlet, however he may be talking about how he must kill Cluadius so that no more rot/evil can come to them.
10) Explain the differences between the ghost in Act I with the ghost in Act III. Why might these differences reflect Hamlet’s insanity?In the first Act the Ghost seems extremely angry and hateful. He talks of Claudius and makes him sound horrible and is all about revenge. In the 3rd act the Ghost only mentions the case of Cluadius's revenge briefly and then tells Hamlet to comfort his mother. I think that this says the extremes of personality change Hamlet has gone through. In the beginning Hamlet was clueless and didn't feel a great need to kill anybody and wasn't very mad at all. So the Ghost sparked up a hate in him and made him crazy. However in the third act Hamlet is going insane or at least acting so and kills Polonius on a whim. The Ghost then almost seemingly tries to calm him down. This shows that Hamlet has gone from a innocent boy who needs to be filled with hate to a maniac who needs to be calmed down by a Ghost.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Act 3 scenes 1 and 2

Scene 1:
The report that Hamlet says he feels confused but doesnt want to be questioned why he is acting as he is. They say that he wants everybody to go to a play that is being put on.

2. Claudious realizes that the Ghost was right about the King killing Hamlets father.

3. What plan do Polonius, Claudius and Ophelia now put into action?
Polonius and Cluadius plan to hide and listen to Ophelia and Hamlet interact with each-other. Ophelia makes him react by giving back his love letters showing him that the relationship is over.

4. What is the nature of Hamlet's soliloquy, lines 57-91?
Hamlet is questioning whether it is better to live and suffer through life or to kill oneself. He talks about which is nobler and that the only reason people do not die early or commit suicide is because they are afraid of what the afterlife.

5. What is Hamlet's main argument against suicide?
He thinks that it is more noble to fight through life than to kill oneself. He also thinks that people are afraid of what comes after life so that they will not kill themselves.

6. Why does Hamlet treat Ophelia as cruelly as he does? What has changed him?
Hamlet treats Ophelia poorly because she has in a sense betrayed him. She brings back his loves letters to him telling him the relationship is over. Hamlet is Offended by this as he has at least a little love for her considering the letters. He then treats her more poorly when he realizes she is being used to be spied upon by the king and her father. He has been changed because he feels everybody has been turning against him since he found out the truth about his fathers death.

7. What thinly veiled threat to Claudius does Hamlet voice, after he becomes of his hidden presence? (lines 148-150)
"Let the doors be shut upon him, that he may play the fool nowhere but in's own house."
Is hamlet saying that Cluadius is a fool in his own home or is he saying that Cluaius is playing Hamlet like a fool? Or is he commenting on how Cluadious is a fool and can only trick people in his own house such as he did to his father?

8. At the end of this scene, what does the King decide to do with Hamlet?
Scene 2:The king is going to send Hamlet to England to try and collect the money they own them in hopes that it will flush out any bad thoughts he has.

9. What qualities in Horatio cause Hamlet to enlist his assistance?
Hamlet believes that Horatio doesn't take sides or make judgments based off of anything but what the facts are. He feels he is trust worthy and is also the guy who pointed out the ghost to him in the first place. 

10. What does Hamlet ask Horatio to do?
He asks him to look at the King when the scene comes on that is about him killing Hamlets father and see if the King looks guilty or not. If he does then the Ghost is Hamlets father and if he doesn't then the Ghost is something else.

11. Summarize what happens in the play-within-a-play.
The Queen and King talk to each other and the Queen vows that she will never take another husband after the first because it would be like killing the old husband. She also says that you would never marry again unless it were for money or something other than love. The king tells her that things might change after he dies as he is going to die soon. After the Queen leaves him some guy sneaks in and poors poison into the Kings ear.

12. Why, in line 233, does Hamlet refer to the play-within-a-play as "The Mouse-trap"?
He calls it "The Mouse-Trap" because the play is a trap for his uncle. He also views his uncle as a undesirable vermin, mouse are also creatures that steel things from people such as food, in this case it is Hamlets father.

13. What is the King's reaction to the play?
The King gets up out of his chair and demands for himself to be gotten out of the building. He is definitely shocked by the play as he has killed the King and realizes he has been called out. I think that if he was just mad at Hamlet for accusing him of killing the king when he didn't he would just get mad and yell at Hamlet rather than running like a victim.

14. In lines 354-363, to what object does Hamlet compare himself? Why?
He compares himself to a little organ or a pipe. He does this because he thinks that Guildenstern is trying to play him like a puppet or a pipe. However Hamlet says he cannot be played like a pipe, cant simply be played out from high to low notes but is in idea a much more complex instrument.

15. As Hamlet goes to his mother at the end of this scene, what does he admonish himself

Monday, December 7, 2009

Hamlet Speech

Is it better to live, or to die? That is the Question.
Is it more noble to suffer through life,
dodging the hardships that come your way?
Or do put an end to all of it by simply, dying,
not live and go to sleep. By sleep we end the
many troubles in life and the headaches. Death is
a final treat we all wish to have! Aww but the problem 
is what comes after, the dream. After we suffered
the mortal life on earth we fear what comes after.
This is what we worry about and what makes 
us drag out our lives so long. If not for this
who would deal with life's problems? The man 
putting us down, cocky bastards insulting us,
heart aches from broken hearts, the poorness of 
the law, the smugness of people in office, and the 
good people who are abused. Who would put 
themselves through this  if they did not have 
fear for something after death. Death is the
unknown place from which we never get an news
of how it is. We would rather suffer the life of earth
than go to a life we know nothing of. The idea of
death and an end to it all is plastered over with 
the fear of the unknown. This leads the path
towards death to be redirected. Oh but I
must stop talking for the beautiful Ophelia is coming.

In Hamlets soliloquy he ponders about death and whether or not it is better to live the miserable life or to die. This gives us an insight to how troubled Hamlet is about all the things going in his life such as his grief over his fathers death and his relationship with Ophelia. The main topic of his speech is what comes after death. While he says sleeping (or death) is a great idea in itself but the problem is what your dreams will be after, or your afterlife. I find this a very neat idea of afterlife being a dream. When you die your still there and we see you as sleeping, but pretend you go to heaven or to hell at that moment. It would seem to the onlooker as a dream but to yourself dreams are real. Beowulf believes that the only reason people aren't killing themselves are dying early is because they are afraid of the afterlife. This is a fairly dark way to look at it as most of them probably believe in god. So Hamlet believes that most people are destined for Hell rather than heaven, otherwise they wouldn't be scared to die. As a whole the speech tells us that Hamlet is on the verge of becoming insane. He does not enjoy his life because of all the "arrows and outrageous fortune" he has to deal with. HOwever he is afraid of the afterlife which might possibly be because his father has come back as a ghost which isn't represented as a great way of going living.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hamlet, Act 2

1)Polonius tells Reynaldo to spy on Laertes, but not exactly spy. Polonius's plan is for Reynaldo is to go around telling small lies about Laertes and see how people respond and getting the real truth from people, rather than just the opinions of the people he asks. This is a neat idea as you would never really guess somebody is spying but rather just making conversation. 

2) This proves Polonius is a very selfish and demanding person and doesn't really like to take any burden or blame onto himself. For example he tells Ophelia to not be with Hamlet and instead of spying for himself he makes Laertes. He doesn't deal with problems himself or directly but beats around the bush. His plan is also supposed to make him seem like a fool as it is a completely inefficient and very indirect way of finding things out. However i think it would work very well, but what does that say about me?

3) Ophelia was disturbed because Hamlet came into her room slightly underdressed and grabbed onto her hand and starred at her for a while until he let go. He acted like he was possessed and didn't use his eyes to navigate. While many may find this romantic it is apparently frowned upon by Ophelia.

4) Why have Rosencrantez and Guildenstern been sent to Denmark?
The King has called Rosencrantez and Guildenstern to Denmark because he wants them to find out why Hamlet has been acting crazy. Rosencrantez and Guildenstern are old friends of Hamlet and the the King thinks that they will be the best sources for getting information out of him.

5) What does Hamlet ask the players to recite? How does the allusion mimic Hamlet’s position?
Hamlet asks the players to recite Aeneas's tale to Dido. The story alludes to Pyrrus and how he must avenge his fathers death much like Hamlet must avenge his fathers. I think there is also a connection with Hecuba. In one version of her tale she goes insane after seeing the corpses of her sons. Can this be connected with Hamlet thinking she is insane because she married his uncle and in a way Hamlet is dead as he is Insane? having a hard time with this connection fielding.

Identify the following speaker of the following lines and discuss to whom the lines are being delivered, and what the lines mean?

6) “No, my lord, but as you did command/ I did repel his letter, and denied his access to me”
Ophelia says this line. It shows us that she obeyed Polonius's order and has not let herself fall in love with Hamlet or Hamlet with her.

7) “More matter less art”
The Queen says these lines. She is telling Polonius to stop flowering up his sentences and just tell her about Hamlet. It is funny because Polonius thinks he's smart and says a bunch of crap thinking he's smart but the Queen sees right through this.

8) “That I, the son of a dear father murdered,/ Prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell/ Must like a whore unpack my heart with words,
Hamlet is telling how he feels he must avenge his fathers death. He believes that both heaven and hell are telling him to. These are interesting lines for two reasons. One the idea of heaven tells us that it may be a Ghost of his father but hte idea of hell may tell us its an evil spirit. Two the idea of words come out again "unpack my heart with words" the idea that words are what kill people.

9) “Your bait of falsehood take this carp of truth/ And thus do we of wisdom and of reach,/ with windlasses and with assays of bias,/ By directions find directions out.”
Polonius is telling Reynaldo about his plan to trick people into telling him about Laertes. Once again Polonius thinks he is brilliant and tries to show off but end up looking stupid.

10) “For if the sun breeds maggots in a dead dog, being a good kissing carrion-Have you a daughter?”
Hamlet. Hamlet is playing the "im a insane" card and calling Polonius out while polonius cant do anything about it. He makes the pun by saying "the sun" will breed maggots in a dead dog which is Hamlets way of saying he is going to knock up any woman, like Ophelia, if he gets anywhere near them.

11) List three metaphors (1 direct, 1 implied, 1 extended) from the play.
Direct. Denmark as a garden starting to rot.
Implied. Incest within the families.
Extended. Lies are like Poisen

12) What proof does Polonius have that he believe indicates Hamlet’s love for Ophelia? 
Polonius thinks that Hamlet went to Ophelia half naked because he loves her. Her story about him holding onto her and acting crazy makes him believe this, which really doesn't seem to far off from a likely thing to me but I guess I'm just bonding with the Polonius character.

13) Hamlet is trying to explain why he thinks Denmark is a horrible place for him now because of what he knows and how much he hast to think about it. He now knows that Cluadius killed his father and he has to think about his mother marrying his uncle and the more he thinks about it the worse it becomes. Neat idea as there is always two sides to an opinion and unless somebody starts thinking about it. It is not good or bad and the only thing that would make it otherwise would be a persons thoughts.

14) A fishmonger is a person or a store that sells fish. However Hamlet reefers to woman as fish and mongers to pimps. Efficiently offending most woman and giving pimps a nifty nick name.

15) Jephthah was a judge of israel who sacrificed his own daughter because he said he would sacrifice the first living thing he came in contact with when he returned from battle if he was victorious.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hamlet Soliloquy

Oh, I wish my ruined flesh would melt off me and turn into vapor.
Or that the Hog had not said suicide is a sin. O God, God!
This world seems boring and pointless and does not seem to give me
any reason to live. It's like a garden that is grown but only goes to seed
without being eaten. Two months my father has been dead, no not that much, 
not even two. He was an excellent king. So loving to my mother and he kept the wind from 
blowing on her face. Do I have to remember. She would hang on him as if her love
for him increased everyday. But within a month, (of his fathers death?) 
She cried bawled and cried at his funeral but even a beast would have morned 
a death longer than she did. She married my uncle, my fathers brother, but he is nothing like my father, it would be like me compared Hercules. Within  a month and before her eyes had dried of tears she married. At such a great speed and indurance she jumped into bed with a relative! It is not good now, and it will not come to be good. But my heart breaks because I cannot tell her my opinion

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hamlet Act 1 Scenes 3/4

1) Laertes advices Ophelia not to fall in love with Hamlet. He says that he is above her class socially and that he cannot love her fully when he is thinking about Denmark.

2)The canker is sex and the infants are young woman. Femanist could go crazy on this as it is saying that woman are ruined after they are "deflowered" and that they are in a sense a garden. When they are wilted or "deflowered" they are a decaying garden.

3) She says that she will take his word into consideration and watch what she does. She doesn't really believe in this greatly however and points out that he has been going around and having his way with many woman. Her analogy is that many pastors tell their students how to get to heaven and how to behave, when they themselves do not follow any of their preachings.

4) List five of the “few precepts” that Polonius gives to Laertes.
1: Dont say what you think, dont act upon any unthought out thoughts.
2:Dont get into fights, but if you are ever in one remeber that the other guy might be scared of you.
3:Listen to everyone who speaks, but speak little to others.
4:Take each persons judgment, but judge others little.
5:Dont lend or borrow items or money.

5) In lines 105-109, what is the metaphor that Polonius uses to describe Hamlet’s words of love?
Polonius asks Ophelia what would happen if she took payment like it was sterling silver, even though it was not. He points out that you would have nothing and be ruined. ....I really dont understand what he is saying

6) List and explain one metaphor found in the lines 115-135.
"Giving more light than must not take for fire" This is kinda funny because its almost as if Polonious is comparing Ophelia to dumb bugs. He is saying that while the light (hamlet) is attractive as light normally leads to a source of heat. However this light leads to nothing and are just quick blazes that don't warm you.

7) Polonius commands that Ophelia does not look to fall in love with Hamlet and that she not talk to him and stay away completely so that she doesn't cause any harm to her or mostly his reputation.

8) In scene 4, what is Hamlet talking about in lines 13-38?
Hamlet is saying that the King is shooting off his guns and drinking while celebrating. He says that it is embarrasing and will cause them to be laughed at by other nations even though they are highly achieving and honored. He wishes that the king would not get drunk and shoot off the cannon because they are civilized folk and normally act so.

9) Why doesn’t Horatio want Hamlet to follow the ghost?
Horatio is affriad that the Ghost is going to lead Hamlet off into the water and drown or off of a cliff. He think it will transform into another form such as a monster and take away his sanity and cause him to become crazy.

10) Hamlet tells the Guards to let him go and that he is going to follow the Ghost. He then says he's going to kill them if they dont let him go and for them to not follow.

Hamlet Act 1 Scence 1

1)The guards create interest by their arguments of which they arent exactly sure of. A ghost also appears which normally helps to create interest.
2)We learn very little from the actual ghost appearance. However we learn from the guards that the ghost is the dead king and that he is dressed in full combat armor. His armor suggest that the state of denmark may be going into battle and fallling apart or decaying. We also learn that Fortinbras and King Hamlet were killed.
3) The Ghost comes back and they guards try to poke at it but it disappears. This is funny but they also say they will go find Hamlet and ask him about the ghost. Since the play is called Hamlet, people are eager to find out who he is...
4)The time of year and the actual events that are going on make the mood very dark and dooming as it plays into the fall of man kind. However the guards cheer it up a bit considering they are funny because their kind of stupid and don't know what to do with themselves.
5)The guards aren't the smartest people and they don't know what to do with the ghost that keeps coming and disappearing, so they decide to poke at it, even though it is there king. They are also scared because it is their dead king who is dressed in armor and they think that it might be a sign something bad is going to happen. The ghost is also not talking so it gives another reason that pumps of the creepy feeling causing the stupid guards to be frightened.
6) He thinks that the king has come back to tell them how to find treasure and become rich! He then gets realistic and realizes he is wearing armor and not a metal detector, and believes he has come back to warn them about young Fortinbras leading Norway to battle against them.
7) The characters that show up in the scene are Barnardo, Francisco, Marecellus, Horatio, the Ghost
8) Horatio says that the King Hamlet and Fortinbras were enemies and that King Hamlet slayed Fortinbras.
9) Young Fortinbras is King Fortinbras son who wants to get revenge against Norway.
10) Haratio said that all hell broke loose. Dead came out of their graves and began to speak gibberish while the stars feel from the heavens leaving trails of blood and the moon became eclipsed. This is his way of saying that Rome had a horrible curse on it after Julius died.
11) Haratio is the only guard who is educated out of the few. Normally guards are big brutes who dont think much or for themselves at all so they look to Haratio to give them an interpretation of the ghost. He is also the only one who really gives us any information about what is going on with the ghost, even though he changes his mind a lot. Sadly we learn in english that as long as you can back it up your right.
12)Without Haratio we would have a seen with a few stupid guards running around poking at a knight. Haratio sets up the entire story by giving us a background and telling us the possible reason the ghost is there.
13) We learn that Denmark and Norway have had a tension between them for a very long time. They also both have had kings who died and are carried on by their sons.