Or that the Hog had not said suicide is a sin. O God, God!
This world seems boring and pointless and does not seem to give me
any reason to live. It's like a garden that is grown but only goes to seed
without being eaten. Two months my father has been dead, no not that much,
not even two. He was an excellent king. So loving to my mother and he kept the wind from
blowing on her face. Do I have to remember. She would hang on him as if her love
for him increased everyday. But within a month, (of his fathers death?)
She cried bawled and cried at his funeral but even a beast would have morned
a death longer than she did. She married my uncle, my fathers brother, but he is nothing like my father, it would be like me compared Hercules. Within a month and before her eyes had dried of tears she married. At such a great speed and indurance she jumped into bed with a relative! It is not good now, and it will not come to be good. But my heart breaks because I cannot tell her my opinion