Geryon has the face of a kind man but the body of a serpent among other things. The serpent is thought to be a trickster, originally causing the fall of man kind in the garden of Eden. Geryon is also very bright giving a magic sort of theme and then disapears "like an arrow" when he lands. This is possibly why this creature is guarding the layer of Hell where frauds, sorcerers and liars live. However the name Geryon is borrowed from Greek Mythology from a three headed three bodied monsters whose main roll was to be slain by Hercules when he steels his red cattle. I don't quite understand why Dante chose the name Hercules other than it's the name of a monster who has three bodies and three heads and would be a pretty sweet gate keeper. But im working on why he did and I read a story about Hercules...
pg187 Line125 "...and is my favor with you great?" Replied, "enormous"
Dante has now (I think) thrown somebody into Hell because he has a large penis. Here Dante tells the man who is covered in human feces to look ahead to the strumpet in front of him. I am beginning to wonder the reasons why Dante was exiled, I'm starting to think it was because he was an asshole.
pg191Line1 Simon Magus was a false
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