Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Beowulf 2920

pg147 L2149 "...I am happy to present"
There is a mix of warrior and king in Beowulf, the question is if it is a good or a bad thing. Beowulf is giving away everything because he only cares of the honor he has one and not his possessions. The idea that kings give things way is here but is it a foreshadow to what type of king beowulf will be? Does his need for glory cause the downfall of his kingdom?

pg155 L2286  "...dragon awoke, trouble flared again.."
Revenge is taken by someone who has had their possessions stolen. The cup has been taken as a prize giving the dragon armor. It is as if Grendels arms and his mothers head are like a jeweled cup much like trophies.

pg159 L2325 "...had been burnt to a cider, the throne room of the Geats." 
The fall of a Kingdom, the symbol of its stronghold has been burnt and destroyed. A symbol for the actual king dyeing and being cremated. 

pg159 L2335 "...the war-king"
This keening points out Beowulfs flaw. The idea that the "war-king" goes to war and fights battles which is not the role of a king. They do not call him just the King, in this case this is not a good name to bare.

pg159 L2345 ...."too proud"
Comments on Beowulfs battle need and suggests it is a bad thing. This could be the christian influence as it goes on to say all the great things Beowulf has done, however being too proud is one of the seven deadly sins.

pg165 L2420 "sensing his death"
This tells me that Beowulf wanted Glory more than he wanted to have his people be protected. If beowulf knew he was going to die he would then know he was leaving his people defensless and doomed. 

pg171 L2518  "i would nrather not use a weapon if I knew another way"
Grendel count not b brought down with a weapon and his mother needed a ancient magical one. This idea of Beowulf being better off without weapons gives him the allusion that he is beyond human. Beowulf has also been yet to be killed by weapons as well as when Grendels mom attacked him with the knife, is this a connection between him and unnatural beasts?

pf173 L2567 "while the serpent"
The underground flaming and the mentions of serpents makes this place seem a lot like hell.

pg179 L2640-2660 Wiglaf is a contrast to Beowulf, beowulf is fighting this dragon for fame and glory while wiglaf is in the background thinking of how he needs to save beowulf because he has helped everybody and needs to defend the Kingdom. Should this be how Beowulf is?

pg189 L2797 " well endowed on the day I die" 
The dragons treasure seems like Beowulfs blood-money. Is this amount of gold that is the dragons treasure the only thing that could be worth Beowulfs death?

pg2890 L2884 "so it is goodbye..."
The fall of the kingdom, after such a strong and wealthy kingdom is created everybody wants to fight it and take it over. Sadly the only thing that was keeping that from happening was the enemies fear of Beowulf...

1 comment:

  1. Good comment about the dragon and the trophy of revenge. Also the throne being burnt = death of the kingship is nice.

    Dragon's liar is a crypt. This means something.
