Synecdoche: A figure of speech in which a part of something is used to represent the whole.
Appositive: a building up of phrases that mean the same thing. This was characteristic of oral poetry to have a set of stock phrases that could be used to fit a pattern. The build up is suppose to have climatic effect. (shepherd of evil, guardian of crime)
Motif: any recurrent image, symbol, theme, character type, subject, or narrative detail that reappears. (kin killing, feuds and ambushes, women mourning, the arming of the warriors swords, heads and limbs, the giving of gifts) how do these things make meaning in the text
Allusion: a reference to a person, event, statement, or theme found in literature, the arts, myths, religion, or popular culture. (many allusions to the bible in beowulf) Grendel is an offspring of cain
Symbols: Heorot, Grendel's lair, Grendel's Arm, Swords, The dragon's Treasure, The three monsters, Many of the characters in the digressions.
Characters: Beowulf, Hrothgar, Unferth, Brecca, Shield Sheafson, Heorogar, Wulfgar, Grendal
Map of Denmark and Sweden, where Beowulf takes place.
Roles of Women: the female role in beowulf is twofold. Firt it involves peacemaking biologically through a woman's marital ties with foreign kings as a peace pledge or a mother of sons. Secondly, it involves peaemaking socially and psychologically as a cup passing and peace weaving queen within a hall.
Roles of Woman: Hostess, Peace Pledge, Monsters
Comitatus: Germanic tribes which invaded britain held strong beliefs in the basic family unit and were industrious and warlike. They chose their kings for birth and their generals for merit. Even poor tribal members could become rich and powerful if they were willing and able to prove themselves brave and adept in battle. The practice of comitatus (a term used by early historian tactitus_ was an agreement by which a youth would attach himself to a strong leader for the purpose of gaining riches and prestige. This arrangement could have been the precursor of the lord-thane relationship of feudal institutions of the time, which can also be observed in Beowulf.
(exile was the worst thing that could happen to a warrior)
(kin-killing was the worst crime that one could commit in the society)
(cowardice equaled failure. It was better to die well in battle than to run away and live to fight another day)
Warrior Culture: Warrior kept their armor and weapons at their sides at all times. "always prepared for war" (swords are symbols and motifs) war is considered a natural, desirable and constant part of life.
Christianity: The poet of Beowulf is christian, but the society he describes is not. Sometimes the narrator's voice comments from a christian perspective on pagan values, beliefs, and customs.
Revenge: the death of a kinsman mst be avenged by his male relations, in blood or in money.
Burial Practices: Burial at sea is the most familiar form of Germanic tribal burial. But they also buried warriors and kings in mounds and in a s tone barrow. Burials often included the weapons and wealth of the corpse.
Boasting: is an art!
Level 8
14 years ago
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